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00001 /*! \file spi.h \brief SPI Interface Driver for AT91SAM7S. */
00002 //*****************************************************************************
00003 //
00004 // File Name    : 'spi.h'
00005 // Title        : SPI Interface Driver for AT91SAM7S
00006 // Author       : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2006
00007 // Created      : 2006.02.01
00008 // Revised      : 2006.02.01
00009 // Version      : 0.1
00010 // Target MCU   : ARM processors
00011 // Editor Tabs  : 4
00012 //
00013 // NOTE: This code is currently below version 1.0, and therefore is considered
00014 // to be lacking in some functionality or documentation, or may not be fully
00015 // tested.  Nonetheless, you can expect most functions to work.
00016 //
00017 /// \ingroup driver_arm_at91
00018 /// \defgroup spi_at91 SPI Interface Driver for AT91SAM7S (armlib/arch/at91/spi.c)
00019 /// \code #include "spi.h" \endcode
00020 /// \par Overview
00021 ///     To be written...
00022 //
00023 // This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
00024 //      which can be found at
00025 //
00026 //*****************************************************************************
00027 //@{
00029 #ifndef ARMLIB_SPI_H
00030 #define ARMLIB_SPI_H
00032 // functions
00034 // initialize SPI interface
00035 void spiInit(void);
00037 // spiTransferByte(u08 data) waits until the SPI interface is ready
00038 // and then sends a single byte over the SPI port.  The function also
00039 // returns the byte that was received during transmission.
00040 u08 spiTransferByte(u08 data);
00043 // these functions TBD
00045 //u16 spiTransfer16(u16 data);
00046 //u32 spiTransfer32(u32 data);
00047 //void spiSetClockDiv(u08 clockdiv);
00049 // spiSendByte(u16 data) waits until the SPI interface is ready
00050 // and then sends a single byte over the SPI port.  This command
00051 // does not receive anything.
00052 //void spiSend(u16 data);
00054 #endif
00055 //@}

Generated on Mon Nov 6 23:36:58 2006 for Procyon ARMlib by  doxygen 1.4.2