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00001 /*! \file ft245.c \brief FTDI FT245 USB Inferface Driver Library. */
00002 //*****************************************************************************
00003 //
00004 // File Name    : 'ft245.c'
00005 // Title        : FTDI FT245 USB Inferface Driver Library
00006 // Author       : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2004
00007 // Created      : 2004.02.10
00008 // Revised      : 2004.02.19
00009 // Version      : 0.1
00010 // Target MCU   : Atmel AVR Series
00011 // Editor Tabs  : 4
00012 //
00013 // NOTE: This code is currently below version 1.0, and therefore is considered
00014 // to be lacking in some functionality or documentation, or may not be fully
00015 // tested.  Nonetheless, you can expect most functions to work.
00016 //
00017 // This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
00018 //      which can be found at
00019 //
00020 //*****************************************************************************
00022 #include "lpc2000.h"
00023 //#include <avr/io.h>
00024 //#include <avr/signal.h>
00025 //#include <avr/interrupt.h>
00027 #include "global.h"
00028 #include "timer.h"
00029 #include "membus.h"
00030 #include "ft245.h"
00032 // global variables
00033 static char ft245RxData[FT245_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
00034 cBuffer ft245RxBuffer;
00036 // Functions
00037 void ft245Init(void)
00038 {
00039 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00040     // initialize port pins
00041     // configure input pins
00042     cbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_TXE);
00043     cbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_RXF);
00044     //cbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_SUSPEND);
00045     // use pullups
00046     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_TXE);
00047     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RXF);
00048     //sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_SUSPEND);
00050     // configure output pins
00051     sbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_RESET);
00052     sbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_WR);
00053     sbi(FT245_CTRL_DDR, FT245_RD);
00054     // preset the outputs
00055     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RESET);
00056     cbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_WR);
00057     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RD);
00059     // configure data bus
00060     outb(FT245_DATA_DDR, 0x00);
00061     outb(FT245_DATA_PORT, 0xFF);
00062 #endif
00063 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00064     // initialize the memory bus
00065     membusInit();
00066     // configure status pins
00067     IODIR &= FT245_TXE;
00068     IODIR &= FT245_RXF;
00069 #endif
00070     // initialize the RX buffer
00071     bufferInit(&ft245RxBuffer, ft245RxData, FT245_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
00073     // reset the FT245
00074     //ft245Reset();
00076 }
00078 void ft245Reset(void)
00079 {
00080 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00081     // activate reset line
00082     cbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RESET);
00083     // hold for 1ms
00084     timerPause(1);
00085     // release reset
00086     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RESET);
00087 #endif
00088 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00090 #endif
00091 }
00093 u08 ft245ReadByte(void)
00094 {
00095 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00096     u08 data;
00097     // data bus set for input
00098     outb(FT245_DATA_DDR, 0x00);
00099     // assert RD line
00100     cbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RD);
00101     // wait
00102     asm volatile ("nop");
00103     asm volatile ("nop");
00104     asm volatile ("nop");
00105     asm volatile ("nop");
00106     // read data
00107     data = inb(FT245_DATA_PORTIN);
00108     // release RD line
00109     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_RD);
00110     // return data
00111     return data;
00112 #endif
00113 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00114     return membusRead(FT245_BASE_ADDRESS);
00115 #endif
00116 }
00118 void ft245WriteByte(u08 data)
00119 {
00120 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00121     // wait for transmit fifo to be ready
00122     while(!ft245CheckTxFifo());
00123     // assert WR line
00124     sbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_WR);
00125     // data bus set for output
00126     outb(FT245_DATA_DDR, 0xFF);
00127     // write data
00128     outb(FT245_DATA_PORT, data);
00129     // wait
00130     asm volatile ("nop");
00131     asm volatile ("nop");
00132     asm volatile ("nop");
00133     asm volatile ("nop");
00134     // release WR line
00135     cbi(FT245_CTRL_PORT, FT245_WR);
00136     // return data bus to input + pullups
00137     outb(FT245_DATA_DDR, 0x00);
00138     outb(FT245_DATA_PORT, 0xFF);
00139 #endif
00140 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00141     return membusWrite(FT245_BASE_ADDRESS, data);
00142 #endif
00143 }
00145 u08 ft245CheckRxFifo(void)
00146 {
00147     // check state of RXF line
00148     // RXF = L  => Data in fifo ready to be read
00149     // RXF = H  => No data, or not ready
00150 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00151     if( inb(FT245_CTRL_PORTIN) & (1<<FT245_RXF) )
00152         return FALSE;   // no data
00153     else
00154         return TRUE;    // data is available
00155 #endif
00156 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00157     if(IOPIN & FT245_RXF)
00158         return FALSE;   // no data
00159     else
00160         return TRUE;    // data is available
00161 #endif
00162 }
00164 u08 ft245CheckTxFifo(void)
00165 {
00166     // check state of TXE line
00167     // TXE = L  => Tx fifo is ready to be written
00168     // TXE = H  => Tx fifo full or not ready
00169 #ifdef FT245_PORT_INTERFACE
00170     if( inb(FT245_CTRL_PORTIN) & (1<<FT245_TXE) )
00171         return FALSE;   // full or not ready
00172     else
00173         return TRUE;    // tx fifo space is available
00174 #endif
00175 #ifdef FT245_MEMBUS_INTERFACE
00176     if(IOPIN & FT245_TXE)
00177         return FALSE;   // full or not ready
00178     else
00179         return TRUE;    // tx fifo space is available
00180 #endif
00181 }
00183 /*
00184 u08 ft245IsSuspended(void)
00185 {
00186     // check state of SUSPEND line
00187     // SUSPEND = L  => Data in fifo ready to be read
00188     // SUSPEND = H  => No data, or not ready
00189     if( inb(FT245_CTRL_PORTIN) & (1<<FT245_RXF) )
00190         return FALSE;   // no data
00191     else
00192         return TRUE;    // data is available
00193 }
00194 */
00196 void ft245SendByte(u08 data)
00197 {
00198     // wait for FT245 to become ready
00199     while(!ft245CheckTxFifo());
00200     // send byte
00201     ft245WriteByte(data);
00202 }
00204 cBuffer* ft245GetRxBuffer(void)
00205 {
00206     // since there is an internal buffer in the FT245 chip
00207     // we don't read in bytes immediately on reception.
00208     // instead, the FT245 buffer is read in when the 
00209     // receive buffer is requested
00211     // read in receive buffer
00212     while(ft245CheckRxFifo())
00213     {
00214         bufferAddToEnd(&ft245RxBuffer, ft245ReadByte());
00215     }
00217     return &ft245RxBuffer;
00218 }

Generated on Mon Nov 6 23:36:59 2006 for Procyon ARMlib by  doxygen 1.4.2