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spyglass.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition in file spyglass.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define PCF8574_I2C_BASE_ADDR   0x40
#define MAX517_I2C_BASE_ADDR   0x58
#define PCF_NODE_BUTTONS   0x00
#define PCF_NODE_LCD_DATA   0x01
#define PCF_NODE_CONTROL   0x02
#define SPYGLASS_LED0   0x01
#define SPYGLASS_LED1   0x02
#define SPYGLASS_BEEPER   0x04
#define SPYGLASS_LCD_RS   0x20
#define SPYGLASS_LCD_RW   0x40
#define SPYGLASS_LCD_E   0x80
#define lcdInit   spyglassLcdInit
#define lcdHome   spyglassLcdHome
#define lcdClear   spyglassLcdClear
#define lcdGotoXY   spyglassLcdGotoXY
#define lcdDataWrite   spyglassLcdWriteChar


void spyglassInit (void)
 initialize the I2C bus for communication with the spyglass UI.
u08 spyglassGetPushbuttons (void)
void spyglassSetLeds (u08 leds)
void spyglassSetBeeper (u08 state)
u08 spyglassSetLcdContrast (u08 contrast)
void spyglassLcdInit (void)
 Initialize LCD for operation.
void spyglassLcdHome (void)
 Set write/cursor position to upper left.
void spyglassLcdClear (void)
 Clear LCD display.
void spyglassLcdGotoXY (u08 x, u08 y)
 Set write/cursor posision on LCD display (x=col, y=line).
void spyglassLcdWrite (u08 rs, u08 data)
 Write control or display data to LCD.
void spyglassLcdWriteChar (u08 c)
 Write character to LCD.
u08 pcf8574Write (u08 nodeAddr, u08 data)
 Write I/O Data to PCF8574 I2C<->Digital I/O chip.
u08 pcf8574Read (u08 nodeAddr)
 Read I/O Data from PCF8574 I2C<->Digital I/O chip.

Generated on Sun Oct 29 03:41:08 2006 for Procyon AVRlib by  doxygen 1.4.2